Specifications: LED Type : SMD5050 Wavelength: 365-370nm PCB Color: White W x H: 10x2.5(mm) Input Voltage: 12V DC Beam Angle: 120 angle Wattage (max): <24W/Roll 4.8W/M This strip have 60Led/m, every 3 led can be cut Lead: Single color strip has two contacts(V+,V-) and is Polarity Sensitive Pre-wiring: 20cm(8") Red-Black lead wire is pre-soldered at one end of the strip Features: 1.Energy Electricity Saving with Higher-level Efficiency; 2.Full spectrum that is necessary & critical for plants growing & flowering (from seeding to harvest); 3.The color is accelerating leaf ,plants,flowers,vegetables growing better,promoting flowering; 4.Perfectly for Grow Box,Grow Tent,DIY Hydroponics,Bonsai,Garden... etc; 5.Comfortable, Humanistic & High-performing. Package includes: 1x SMD5050 365-370nm Ultraviolet Flexible LED Strips Notifaction: 1. UV-LEDs emit invisible ultraviolet radiation when in operation, which may be harmful your eyes or skin, even for brief periods. 2. Don't look directly into the UV-LED during operation. 3. Be sure that you and all persons in the vicinity wear adequate "UV" Safety protection for eyes and skin